School Placement Assessments

Selecting a primary school is a big decision for most Singaporean parents. Considerations such as whether the environment will suit your child or whether your child will be able to cope academically are all things that parents typically worry about. The worry is even greater for children who might have learning or developmental needs.


With a growing number of children receiving early intervention support via programmes such as the Developmental Support and Learning Support (DS-LS), Development Support Plus (DS-Plus) and Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children (EIPIC), parents are often unsure whether their child has improved sufficiently in order to cope with the rigour of mainstream curriculum or if they have adequate social skills to navigate the large classroom sizes. Having your preschool child undergo a school placement assessment can help you better gauge where the right setting for your child might be.


Our registered psychologists will conduct the school placement assessment which includes information on your child’s cognitive abilities (e.g., Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – 4th Edition, Singapore Ability Scales), basic achievement (e.g. Singapore Ability Scales, Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – 4thEdition) as well as adaptive behaviours (e.g., Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales – 3rd Edition) using both standardised and informal tests.


Along with test results, information from multiple sources including feedback from therapists/teachers and parents as well as clinical observations are put together to form a holistic picture of your child’s developmental and learning needs. Based on the outcome, our registered psychologist will be able to discuss with the possible educational pathways for your child and guide you through to determine the best school placement option for your child.


Our reports are recognised by the Ministry of Education and can be used for applications for entry into special education (SPED) schools. We will also able to advise on application requirements should you decide to apply for a SPED school.

Learning, Preschool, Placement, School, Special Education